Forty Sayings of Imam Reza

(Reading time: 16 - 32 minutes)
Compiled by: Shaykh Mohammad Ishtihardi The Tenth Infallible: Imam Ridha’ (as) Name: Ali Ibn Musa (as) Renowned Title: Ridha’ Father and Mother: Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far (as) and Najma (as) Time & Place of Birth: 11th of Zilqaad year 148 Hijrah, in Medina. Time & Place of Martyrdom: End of Safar, 203 Hijrah at the age of 55 Years was martyred through poisoning of mamoon (Abbassade caliph) in Sana bad nauqan (a Mohallah today & site at Mashad Muqadas, (Islamic Republic of Iran.) Shrine: Mashad Muqaddas. Life duration: in three segments. 1. before Imamate (35 Years), From 148 to 183 Hijrah. 2. after Imamate, 17 Years Residence in Medina. 3. And Three Years in Khorasan, the most Sensitive part of his political life was in this period. He had only a single son Imam Jawad Who was seven years of age at the time of his martyrdom. Forty Traditions from Imam Ridha’ (as) اربعون حديثا عن الامام علي الرضا عليه السلام 1. He who compares & likens Allah to his creations is a polytheist & the one who attributes something which has been forbidden for him is an infidel. 1 1- مَن شَبَّةَ اللهَ بِخَلقِهِ فَهُو مُشرِکٌ، وَمَن نَسَبَ اِلَيهِ ما نَهی عَنهُ فَهُوَ کافِرٌ . (وسائل الشيعة ج18 ص557) 2. Faith is to one grade superior & sublime to Islam & piety is one degree superior to faith & certitude & certainty is one step superior to faith & nothing more elegant & excellent than certitude has been bestowed upon the sons of Adam (as) 2 2- إِنَّ الايمانَ أَفضَلُ مِنَ الإِسلامَ بِدَرَجَةٍ،وَالتَّقوی أَفضَلُ مِنَ الإيمانِ بِدَرَجَةٍ، وَاليَقِينَ أَفضَلُ مِنَ الإيمانِ بِدَرَجَةٍ وَلَم يُعطَ بَنُو آدَمَ أَفضَلَ مِنَ اليَقِينِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص338) 3. Faith has four pillars: Trusting & relying upon Allah, & contentment & pleasure with the divine will, & submittance to the ordain & ordinance of Allah, & delegation & turning over (the affairs) to Allah. i.e. (Total submission & reassignment to Allah). 3 3- اَلإيِمانُ اَربَعَةُ اَرکانٍ: اَلتَّوَکُّلُ عَلی اللهِ.وَالرِّضا بِقَضاءِ اللهِ، وَالتَّسلِيمُ لأَِمرِاللهِ، وَالتَّفوِيضُ إِلی اللهِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص338) 4. And faith means performing & discharging the obligatory duties & avoiding the committing of forbidden acts & faith, is the recognition & knowing (Allah) through the heart & admitting & confessing through the tongue & practicing through the parts of body (Physically). 4 4- وَالإِيمانُ اَداءُ الفَرائِضِ وَاجتِنابُ المَحارِمِ. وَالإِمانُ هُوَ مَعَرِفَةٌ بِالقَلبِ وَإقرارٌ باللِّسانِ وَعَمَلٌ بِالأرکانِ . (تحف العقول ص442) 5. One day Imam Ridha’ (as) mentioned Quran & so he described the magnanimity & glory of it's authority & it's miracles saying, That is the firm cable of Allah & firmest handhold & the ideal & model path, it guides & leads toward paradise & is the savior from the fire (of Hell). It does not corrode & wear out by the passage & flow of time. Moreover, it's continuous repetition & recitation through the tongue does not devalue & depreciate it. Since, it is not made to exist for a certain age & period apart from other ages & periods. Instead, it has been made a proof & logic for all human beings. Falsehood does nether find passage in the front & afore of it nor from it's back side. It has been descended (revealed) by Allah, the all wise, all praise worthy. 5 5- ذَکَر الرَّضا (ع) يَوماً القُرآنَ فَعَظَّمَ الحُجَّةَ فيهِ وَالآيَةَ المُعجِزَةَ في نَظمِهِ، فَقالَ: هوَحَبلُ اللهِ المَتينُ، وَعُروَتُهُ الوُثقی،وَطريقَتُهُ المُثلی، المُؤَدِّی اِلَی الجَنَّةِ، وَالمُنجِي مِنَ النّارِ ،لايخلق مِنَ الأَزمِنَةِ،وَلا يَغثّ عَلی الأَلسِنَةِ، لاَِنَّهُ لَم يُجعَل لِزَمانٍ دُونَ زَمانٍ،بَل جُعِلَ دَليلَ البُرهانِ،وَحُجَّةً عَلی کُلِّ اِنسانٍ، لا يَأتِيهِ الباطِلُ مِن بَينِ يَدَيهِ، وَلا مِن خَلفِهِ تَنزيلٌ مِن حَکيمٍ حَميدٍ . (بحارالانوار ج92 ص14) 6. Rayyan says I said to Imam Ridha’ (as), what do you say about Quran?' So he replied ', It is the speech of Allah, do not exceed & move ahead of it & do not seek guidance from other than it. Otherwise, you would go astray.' 6 6- قُلتُ لِلرِّضا عَلَيهِ السَّلامُ:ما تَقُولُ في القُرآنِ؟فَقالَ کَلامُ اللهِ لا تَتَجاوَزُوهُ،وَلا تَطلُبُوا الهُدی في غَيرِهِ فَتَضِلوُّا. (بحارالانوار ج92 ص117) 7. 'Indeed Imamate is the rein of religion & the system of Muslims & the righteousness & welfare of the world & the honor & glory of faithful’s. Verily, Imamate is the growing & ongoing root of Islam & its elevated & sublime branch. Services, alms, fasting, Hajj & Jihad (the holy war) attain completion & perfection & the booty (tributes) & alms gets plentiful & abundant, & the Allah's bounds, sanctions, & ordinances get executed, & the frontiers & boundaries (of Islamic lands) get safe & secure, through Imam. 7 7- اِنَّ الاِمامَةَ زِمامُ الدّينِ، وَنِظامُ المُسلِمينَ ،وَصَلاحُ الدّنيا، وَعِزُّالمُؤمِنِين، اِنَّ الإمامَةَ اُسُّ الاِسلامِ النّامِي،وَفَرعُهُ السّامِي،بِالاِمامِ تَمامُ الصَّلاةِ وَالزَّکوةِ وَالصِّيامِ وَالحَجَّ وَالجِهادِ،وَ تَوفيرُ الفَيءِ،وَالصَّدَقاتِ،وَاِمضاءُ الحُدودِ وَالأحکامِ، وَمَنعُ الثُّغُورِ وَالأَطرافِ . (اصول الکافی ج1ص200) 8. about the workers & officials of sultan (king, ruler). Becoming a part of the officials of them & providing of help & assistance to them & putting in endeavor to fulfill their needs & requirements is the equivalent to infidelity. And looking intentionally & purposely at them is one of the great sins which deems one fit to deserve the hell fire. 8 8- ... في اَعمالِ السُّلطانِ»...: اَلدُّخُولُ في اَعمالِهِم، وَالعَونُ لَهُم وَالسَّعيُ في حَوائِجِهِم عَديلُ الکُفرِ،وَالنَّظَرُ اِلَيهِم عَلی العَمدِ مِنَ الکَبائِر الَّتي يُستَحَقُّ بِهِ[بِهَا]النّارُ . (بحار الانوار ج75 ص374) 9. Allah may take pity & be merciful to the servant who resurrects & revives our affair so I said ', and how is it that your affair gets revived?' He responded ', by learning our know ledges & teaching them to the people.'9 1. The slightest thing or contact is looking intentionally at a person, even this is one or the great sins not to talk about helping the tyrants practically. So, those Muslims who strengthen & solidify the foundations or their aggression & tyranny & make their abode in the hell, must as per this tradition avoid such activities. 9- رَحِمَ اللهُ عَبداً أَحيَاء اَمرَنا (قُلتُ): وَکَيفَ يُحيی اَمرَکُم؟ قالَ:يَتَعَّلَمُ عُلُومَنا وَيُعَلِّمُها النّاسَ . (وسائل الشيعه ج18 ص102) 10. A faithful will not become (real) faithful till such time he acquires three qualities: A way of Allah's treatment (sunnan Allah) a prophet's rule & a rule of his saint. However, the Allah's treatment is the concealing of his secret. Allah said عالم الغيب... فلا يظهر علی غيبه احدأ الا من ارتضی من رسول . The knower of the unseen! So he does not reveal his secret to any. Except to him whom he chooses as an apostle.' Moreover, the Sunnah & rule of the Prophet (S) is conciliation with the people. So Allah commanded the Prophet (S) to conciliate with the masses saying. خذا العفو وامر بالمعروف Take to forgiveness & enjoin good.' Never the less, the rule of his saint is 'Exercising patience & endurance in (the times of) adversities poverty & apprehensions.' 10 10- لا يَکُونُ المُؤمِنُ مُؤمِناً حَتّی يَکُونَ فيهِ ثَلاثُ خِصالٍ: سُنَّةٌ مِن رَبِّهِ وَسُنَّةٌ مِن نَبِيّهِ، وَسُنَّةٌ مِن وَلِيِّهِ فَأمَّا السُّنَّةُ مِن رَبِّهِ فَکِتمانُ سِرِّهِ، قالَ اللهُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ ( ( عالِمُ الغَيبِ فَلا يُظهِرُ عَلی غَيبِهِ أَحَداً* اِلاّ مَنِ ارتَضی مِن رَسُولٍ)) وَاَمَّا السُّنَّةُ مِن نَبِيِّهِ فَمُداراةُ النّاسِ فَإِنَّ اللهَ عَزَّوَجَلَّ أَمرَ نَبِيَّهُ صَلَّی اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَالِهِ بِمُداراة النّاسِ، فَقالَ: (خُذِ العَفوَ وَأمُر بِالعُرفِ)) وَأَمَّا السُّنَّةُ مِن وَلِيِّهِ فَالصَّبرُ فِي البَأساءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ . (اصول الکافی ج2 ص241) 11. The intellect of a Muslim man does not mature & complete till he has ten qualities: 1. Benevolence & benefaction be expected & hoped from him. 2. And people be secure & peaceful from his evil doing. 3. He considers the small amount of benefaction from others as abundant & plentiful. 4. And takes plenty of his own benevolence & goodness to be a meagre amount of it. 5. He does not get tired & exhausted by the demands & requirement asked to be fulfilled. 6. He does not get fatigued & restless from seeking knowledge for all the length of his life. 7. He loves poverty more than the plentifulness & affluence, on the course of Allah. 8. And he loves disgrace & abjectness on the way of Allah more than the honour on the course of His enemy. 9. And anonymity is more liked by him than fame. Then he (S) said. ', The tenth one & what is the tenth? The person asked him (S) what that is?' lmam (as) reflected ', He does not see a person but that he says 'He is better & more pious than myself.' 11 11- لا يَتِمُّ عَقلُ امرِئ مُسلِمٍ حَتّی تَکُونَ فيهِ عَشرُخِصالٍ:أَلخَيرُ مِنهُ مَأمُولٌ وَالشَّرُّمِنهُ مَأمُونٌ،يَستَکثِرُ قَليلَ الخَيرِمِن غَيرِهِ، وَيَستَقِلُّ کَثيرَ الخَيرِ مِن نَفسِهِ، لا يَسأَمُ مِن طَلَبِ الحَوائِج إِلَيهِ، وَلايَملُّ مِن طَلَبِ العِلمِ طُولَ دَهرِهِ، اَلفَقرُ فِي اللهِ اَحَبُّ اِلَيهِ مِنَ الغِنی، وَالذُّلُّ فِي اللهِ اَحَبُّ اِلَيهِ مِنَ العِزِّ في عَدُوَّهِ، وَالخُمُولُ أَشهی اِلَيهِ مِنَ الشُّهرَةِ، ثُمَّ قالَ عليه السلام: اَلعاشِرَةُ،قيلَ لَهُ:ماهِیَ؟قالَ عليه السلام: لا يری اَحَداً اِلاّ قالَ:هُوَ خَيرٌ مِنّيِ وَاَتقی . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص336) 12. He who takes himself to account gets benefitted & the one who gets negligent & careless about himself bears loss. And the one who fears (AlIah) becomes peaceful. And that one who takes lesson becomes most clear sighted & discerning. And he who becomes most clear sighted understands & he who understands & comprehends becomes knowledgeable & informed. 12 12- مَن حاسَبَ نَفسَهُ رَبِحَ، وَمَن غَفَلَ عَنها خَسِرَ،وَمَن خافَ أَمِنَ،وَمَن اعتَبَرَ أَبصَرَ وَمَن أبصَرَفَهِمَ، وَمِن فَهِمَ عَلِمَ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص352) 13. A person asked Imam Ridha’ (as) ', who are the best of servants?' So he responded ',Those men that when they perform good deed they become glad & when they perform a bad deed they ask the forgiveness (of Allah) & when they are granted they thank (for it). And while they get afflicted & grieved they exercise patience. And when they get enraged & angry they forgive. (Overlook. other faults). 13 13- وسُئِلَ عَن خِيارِ العِبادِ،فَقالَ (ع): اَلَّذيِنَ اِذا اَحسَنُوا استَبشَرُوا وَاِذا آساء وا استَغفَرُوا: وَاِذَا أُعطُوا شَکَرُوا،وَاِذا بتُلُوا صَبَرُوا، وَاِذا غَضِبُوا عَفوا . (تحف العقول ص445) 14. And avoiding the cardinal & grave sins & these are murdering & killing the soul that Allah has forbidden And committing adultery, & stealing & drinking (wine) & opposing (annoying) the parents, & running away fleeing the battle front (in Jihad). & misappropriating & eating the wealth of orphan oppressively & excessively, & eating the carrion (flesh of dead creature) & drinking blood & taking meat of pig (pork) & unnecessarily eating the meat of animals which are slaughtered without Allah's name being taken at the time of slaughtering them. And eating (taking) interest after the clear cut ordain & the illicit & forbidden (wealth), & the arrow shuffling & gambling, & diminishing reducing in measures & weights & accusing the chaste (virtuous) women & sodomy & giving of false witness & disappointment with the commiseration of Allah & considering oneself safe from the plan of Allah. (Fearlessness from Allah's plan) & dismay from the blessing & commiseration of Allah & helping & assisting the aggressors & tyrants & reliance & trust upon them. And I taking false oath & retention of rights without being hard up & telling lie. And pride & arrogance & spending lavishly & wasting & squandering (of resources) & dishonesty & depreciating & belittling Hajj & combating & standing up against the saints of Allah. And involvement & remaining busy with diversion & play (sensuality & libidinous pleasures) and insisting upon committing sins. 14 14- ... وَاجتِنابُ الکَبائِرِ وَهِيَ قَتلُ النَّفسِ الَّتي حَرَّمَ اللهُ تَعالی. وَالزِّنا وَالسَّرِقَةُ وَشُربُ الخَمرِ، وَعُقُوقُ الوالِدَينِ، وَالفَرارُ مِن الزَّحفِ وَأَکلُ مالِ اليَتِيمِ ظُلماً، وَأکلُ المَيتِهِ وَالدَّمِ وَلَحمِ الخِنزيرِ وَما أُهِلَّ لِغَيرِ اللهِ بِهِ مِن غَيرِ ضَرُورَةٍ، وَأکلُ الرِّبوا بَعدَ البَيِّنَةِ، وَالسُّحت، وَالمَيسِرُ وَالقِمارُ، وَالبَخسُ فِي المِکيالِ وَالميزانِ، وَقَذفُ المُحصَناتِ وَالّلِواطُ، وَشَهادَةُ الزُّورِ وَاليَأسُ مِن رَوح اللهِ ،وَالأَمنُ مِن مَکرِ اللهِ وَالقُنوُطُ مِن رَحمَةِ اللهِ وَمَعُونَةُ الظّالِمينَ وَالرُّکُونُ إِلَيهِم وَاليَمينُ الغَموسُ وَحَبسُ الحُقُوقِ مِن غَيرِ العُسرَةِ، وَالکَذِبُ وَالکِبرُ وَالإسرافُ والتَّبذِيرُ،وَالخِيانَةُ، وَالإستِخافُ بِالحَجِّ، وَالمُحارَبَةُ لأَِولِياءِ اللهِ تَعالی وَالإشتِغالُ بِالمَلاهي، وَالإِصرارُ عَلی الذُّنُوبِ . (عيون الخبار الرضا (ع) ج2 ص127) 15. There are some grades of self-conceit. One among them is that the evil acts of a servant gets decorated to him & he takes them for good deeds & boasts & gluts about them & considers them as nice acts performed by him. And one of them is that a servant acquires faith & belief upon Allah & then boasts of a favor conferred upon Allah, whereas, Allah has done him a favor in it. 15 15- لِلعُجبِ دَرَجاتٌ: مِنها أَن يُزَيَّنَ لِلعَبدِ سُوءُ عَمَلِهِ فَيَراهُ حَسَناً فَيُعجِبُهُ وَيَحسِبُ أَنه يُحسِنُ صُنعاً. وَمِنها أَن يُؤمِنَ العَبدُ بِرَبِّهِ فَيَمُّنَ عَلی اللهِ وَلِلّهِ المِنَّةُُ عَلَيه فيه . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص336) 16. Had Allah not frightened people by paradise & hell even then it would have been obligatory for them to obey Him & not commit His disobedience because of His favors & kindnesses upon them. And His granting them the beneficence’s to start with, without any of their rights. 16- لَو لَم يَخُوِّفِ اللهُ النّاسَ بِجَنَّةٍ وَنارٍ لَکانَ الواجِبُ عَلَيهِم اَن يُطِيعُوهُ وَلا يَعصُوهُ لِتَفضُّلِهِ عَلَيهِم وَاِحسانِهِ اِلَيهِم، وَما بَدَأهُم بِهِ مِن انعامِهِ الذي ما استَحَقُّوهُ . (بحارالانوار ج71 ص174) 17. If it is asked why people were ordered to fast? It would be answered so that they may know the trouble of hunger & thirst & thus get the idea about the poverty (hunger and thirst) of the Hereafter. And the fast keeper may get humbled, belittled, humiliated, destitute, indigent (More over) they may get the reward of Allah & be patient & forbearing in the wake of the (trouble) they face from hunger & thirst with knowing of Allah & sincerity. So fasting will be the cause of their getting reward. Moreover, this will bring about the control of lustful desires and become the admonition in this world. And make them submit to the performance & offering of what has been made obligatory for them & guides them to (the affairs of) Here after. None the less, they by keeping fast do understand & comprehend the severances & extremity & the amount of hardships & miseries that the poor & afflicted ones have to bear in this world. So they give away the obligatory amounts which Allah has made obligation for them to payout of their wealth. 16 17- فَاِن قالَ ظِمَ اُمِرُوابِالصَّوم؟ قيلَ:لِکَي يَعرِفُوا اَلَمَ الجُوع وَالعَطش،فَيَستَدِلُّوا عَلی فَقرِ الاخِرَةِ،وَليَکُونَ الصّائِمُ خاشِعاً،ذَلِيلاً مُستکينا مَأجُوراً مُحتَسِباً عارِفاً صابِراً لِما اَصابَهُ مِنَ الجُوعِ وَالعَطَشِ، فَيَستَوجِبُ الثَّوابَ.مَعَ ما فيهِ مِن الإکِسارِ عَن الشَّهَواتِ،وَلِيَکُونَ ذلِکَ واعِظاً لَهُم في العاجِلِ وَرائِضاً لَهُم عَلَی اَداءِ کَلَّفَهُم وَدَليلاً في الآجِلِ،وَلِيَعرِفُوا شِدَّةَ مَبلَغِ ذلِکَ عَلی اَهلِ الفَقرِ وَالمَسکَنَةِ في الدُّنيا،فَيُؤدُّوا اِلَيهِم ما اَفتَرَضَ اللهُ تَعالَی لَهُم فِي اَموالِهِم... (بحارالانوار ج96 ص370) 18. The Jamat prayers (the collective & assembly prayers) have only been made so that the sincerity, oneness of Allah & the adoring & worshipping of Allah gets obvious, known, apparent & common. Because, the show of it will complete the proof of the oneness of Allah to the people of East & west. And will make the hypocrite & the one who has disrespecting attitude, humble & respectful to something which is the cause of admitting & acknowledging the apparent of Islam & the submission to it. And to the effect that the witnesses of people upon the Islam (being Muslim) of each other becomes lawful & possible. Moreover, it becomes the (cause of) cooperation & co. working of them upon good acts & piety & their taking distance from plenty number of evil acts forbidden by Allah. 17 18- اِنَّما جُعِلَتِ الجَماعَةُ لِئَلاّيَکُونَ الاِخلاصُ وَالتَّوحيِدُ وَالاِسلامُ وَالعِبادَةُ لِلّهِ اِلاّ ظاهِراً مَکشُوفاً مَشهُوراً.لِأَنَّ فِی اِظهارِهِ حُجَةً عَلی اَهلِ الشَّرقِ وَالغَربِ لِلّهِ وَحدَهُ. وَلِيَکُونَ المُنافِقُ وَالمُستَخِفُّ مُؤَدَّياً لِما اَقَرَّبهِ بِظاهِرِ الاِسلامِ وَالمُراقَبَةِ وَلِتَکُونَ شَهادَاتُ الناسِ بِالاِسلام بَعضِهِم لِبَعضٍ جائِزَةً مُمکِنَهً،مَعَ ما فِيهِ مِنَ المُساعدَةِ عَلی البِرَّوَا التَّقوی، وَالزَّجرِ عَن کَثيرٍ مِن مَعاصی اللهِ عَزَّوَجَلَّ . (عيون الخبارالرضا ج2 ص109)الحياة ج1 ص233 19. Indeed Allah has commanded three things (in Quran) which are in proximate with three others. He ordered the prayers & alms. So the one who offers prayer & does not pay alms, his service is not accepted from him. And He ordered His thanks giving with that of the parents. So the one who does not thank his parent has not thanked Allah. And He commanded fear of Allah & connecting with the kinship. So the one who does not connect with the blood relations is not afraid of Allah. 18 19- إِنَّ اللهَ عَزَّوَجَلَّ أَمَرَ بِثَلاثَةٍ مَقرُونٍ بِها ثَلاثَةٌ اُخری،أَمَرَ بِالصَّلاةِ وَالزّکوةِ، فَمَن صَلّی وَلَم يُزَّکِ لَم يَقبَل مِنهُ صَلوتهُ،وَأَمَرَ بِالشُّکرِلَهُ وَلِلوالِدَينِ، فَمَن لَم يَشکُروالِدَيهِ لم يَشکُرالله،وَ أَمرَ بِاِتِّقاءِ اللهِ وَصِلَةِ الرَّحِمِ فَمَن لَم يَصِل رَحِمَهُ لَم يَتّقِ اللهَ عَزَّوَجَلَّ . (عيون الخبارالرضا (ع) ج1 ص258) 20. Do not let the good deeds & Ijtehad & endeavor in worship go, depending & trusting upon the love of the Muhammad (S) house hold. 19 20- (لا تَدَعُوا العَمَلَ الصّالِحَ وَالاِجتِهادَ في العِبادَةِ اتِّکا لاِّعَلی حُبَّ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ (ص) . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص347) 21. Be careful of greed & jealousy, since, these (vices) have perished the previous nations. And beware of stinginess because it is a calamity which will not be found in a free man & a faithful. This (vice) is against & controversial to faith. 20 21- اِيّاکُم وَالحِرصَ وَالحَسَدَ فَاِنَّهُا اَهلَکا الأُمَمَ السّالِفَةَ، وَاِيّاکُم وَالبُخلَ فَاِنَّها عاهَةٌ لا تَکُونُ فِي حُرٍّ وَلا مُؤمِنٍ، اِنَّها خِلافُ الإيِمان . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص346) 22. Silence is a door among the doors of wisdom. Indeed, silence begets & attracts love it is the proof of all the beneficence’s.21 22- اَلصَّمتُ بابٌ مِن اَبوابِ الحِکمَةِ،اِنَّ لصَّمتَ يُکسِبُ المَحَبَّةَ، اِنَّهُ دَليلٌ عَلی کُلِّ خَيرٍ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص335) 23. Behave with the friend humbly & with the enemy carefully & the general people, with smiling & blooming face. 22 23- إِصحَب... الصَّديقَ بِالتَّواضُعِ،وَالعَدُوَّ بِالتَّحَرُّزِ، وَالعامَّةَ بِالبِشرِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص355) 24. Allah dislikes futile (useless) talk & squandering the wealth & much begging (asking things). 23 24- اِنَّ اللهَ يبقضُ القِيلَ وَالقالَ وَاِضاعَةَ المالِ وَکَثرَة السُّئوالِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص335) 25. The miser does not have any comfort & so does the jealous not have any joy & felicity & the (kings) (rulers) do not have faithfulness & trust worthiness & the liar does not have any manhood (forbearance). 24 25- لَيسَ لِبَخيلٍ راحَةٌ. وَلا لِحَسُودٍ لَذَّةُ وَلا لِمُلُوکٍ وَفاءٌ، وَلا لِکَذُوبٍ مُرُوَّةُ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص345) 26. The secret & cause of service’s (prayers) is that prayer is the confession of the lordship of Allah & negating all kinds of partners & plurality for him. And standing before the omnipotent, with humility, humbleness, & the confession (of sins) & begging forgiveness of the previous sins. And placing the face on dust five times a day as (sign of) honoring & confession of His greatness. And service’s (prayers) is the cause of remembering Him & taking distance from the arrogance & neglectfulness. Prayers become the cause of humility, submissiveness & humbleness (toward Allah) & the eagerness, heedfulness & enthusiasm regarding the desire of enhancement of material & spiritual progress (both in the world & here after). Moreover, prayers makes a man engaged constantly in the remembrance of Allah both day & night so that he must not forget his lord, master, Administrator & creator, since, forgetfulness will become the cause of rebel ion. Man while offering prayer stays in the presence of his lord & in the state of His remembrance & this very condition constrains & stops him from sins and constrains & refrains him from many kinds of corruptions. 25 26- عِلَّةُ الصَّلاةِ اَنَّها اِقرارٌ بِالُّربُوبِيَّةِ لِلّهِ عَزَّوَجَلَّ، وَخَلعُ الأَندادِ، وَقِيامٌ بَينَ يَدَي الجَبّارِ جَلَّ لَهُ بِالذُّلِّ وَالمَسکَنَةِ وَالخُضُوعِ وَالاِعتِرافِ، وَالطَّلَبُ لِلاِقالَةِ مِن سالِفِ الذُّنُوبِ ،وَوَضعُ الوَجهَ عَلَی الاَرضِ کُلَّ يَومٍ خَمسَ مَرّاتٍ اعظاماً لِلّهِ عَزَّوَجَلَّ،وَأَن يَکُونَ ذاکِراً غَيرَ ناسٍ وَلا بَطِرٍ، وَيَکُونَ خاشِعاً مُتَذَلَّلاً راغِباً طالِباً لِلزِّيادَةِ في الدِّينِ وَالدُّنيا مَعَ ما فِيهِ مِنَ الاِنزِجارِ وَالمُداوَمَةِ عَلی ذِکر اللهِ عَزَّوَجَلَّ بِاللَّيلِ وَالنَّهارِلِئَلاَّيَنسی العَبدُ سَيِّدَةُ وَمُدَبِّرَهُ وَخَالِقَهُ فَيَبطَرَ وَيَطغی وَيَکُون في ذِکرِهِ لِرَبِّهِ وَقِيامِهِ بَينَ يَدَيهِ زاجِراً لَهُ مِنَ المَعاصِي وَمائعاً مِن اَنواعِ الفَسادِ . (بحارالانوار ج82 ص261) 27. And parsimony & avarice makes the honor (of man) spotted (dishonors & disgraces him) & the love of (worldly materials) causes grief’s & involvements in problems. And the best & most value able of virtues is doing good (to others) & providing shelter & refuge to those afflicted & fulfilling the hope of the person having hope from you. 26 27- ... وَالبُخلُ يُمَزِّقُ العِرضَ، وَالحُبُّ داعِي المَکارِهِ، وَأَجَلُّ الخَلائِقِ وَاَکرَمُها اصطِناعُ المَعرُوفِ، وَاِغاثَةُ المَلهُوفِ، وَتَحقِيقُ اَمَلِ الآمِلِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص357) 28. Do not acquire & adopt the company of drinker & do not salute him. 27 28- لا تُجالِس شارِبَ الخَمرِ وَلا تُسَلِّم عَلَيهِ . (بحارالانوار ج66 ص491) 29. Allah forbade the drinking of wine, since, it causes corruption, disturbance, & intoxication of the minds of its drinker & this becomes the cause of his refusing & denying of Allah & uttering obnoxious language about HIM & His Prophets. And becomes the cause of all the sins including murdering & accusing falsely chaste woman of adultery & committing adultery & lessening of abstinence & refraining from forbidden deeds (sins). So this is the reason of it that all the drinks which intoxicate are prohibited & forbidden. Since these drinks too have the same negative results which the wine has got. 28 29- حَرَّمَ اللهُ الخَمرَ لِما فيما مِنَ الفَسادِ وَمِن تَغييرِ عُقُولِ شارِبِيها وَحَملِها اِيّاهُم عَلی اِنکارِ اللهِ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَالِفريَةِ عَلَيهِ وَعَلی رُسُلِهِ وَسايِرِ ما يَکُونُ مِنهُم مِنَ الفِسادِ وَالقَتلِ وَالقَذفِ وَالزِّنا وَقِلَّةِ الاِ حتِجازِ مِن شَيءٍ مِنَ المَحارِمِ فَبِذلِکَ قَضَينا عَلی کُلِّ مُسکِرٍمِنَ الأَشرِبَةِ أَنَّهُ حَرامٌ مُحَرَّمٌ لِاَنَّهُ يَأتِي مِن عاقِبَتِها ما يَأتي مِن عاقِبَةِ الخَمرِ... (وسائل الشيعة ج17 ص262) 30. Seven things short of seven other things are making (as if) a mockery. The one who repents through his tongue but he is not ashamed at his heart, has cut a joke with himself. And the one who asks Allah succor &does not put in effort has mocked himself. And the person who asks for foresightedness &does not be careful so he has made a mockery with himself. And the one who asks paradise from Allah &does not be patient over the hardships & calamities has made a fun of himself. And the man who ask the refuge of Allah from hell fire & does not abandon the lusts of the world has made a joke with himself. And the one who exercises remembrance of Allah does not get prepared set his foot ahead towards meeting HIM has cut a joke with himself. 29 30- سَبعَةُ أشياءٍ بِغَيرِ سَبعَةِ أَشياءٍ مِنَ الإستِهزاءِ:مَنِ استَغفَرَ بِلِسانِهِ وَلَم يَندَم بِقَلبِهِ فَقَدِ استَهزَأ بِنَفسِهِ. وَمَن سَألَ اللهَ التّوفيقَ وَلَم يَجتَهِد فَقَدِ استَهزَأ بِنَفسِهِ. وَمَنِ استَحزَمَ وَلَم يَحذَر فَقَدِ استَهزَأ بِنَفسِهِ.وَمَن سَأَلَ اللهَ الجَنَّةَ وَلَم يَصبِر عَلَی الشّدائِدِ فَقَدِ استَهزَأ بِنَفسِهِ. وَمَن تَعَوَّذَ بِاللهِ مِن النّارِ وَلَم يَترُک شَهَواتِ الدُّنيا فَقَدِ استَهزَأ بِنَفسِهِ. وَمَن ذَکَرَ اللهَ وَلَم يَستَبِق إِلی لِقائِهِ فَقَدِ استَهزَأَ بِنَفسِهِ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص356) 31. Get connected to your kinship although it may be means of a drinking water. And the supreme &superb kind of connecting with the kinship is to avoid annoying them. 30 31- صِل رَحِمَکَ وَلَو بِشربَةٍ مِن ماءٍ،وَ اَفضَلُ ماتُوصَلُ بِهِ الرَّحِم کَفُّ الاَذی عَنها . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص338) 32. Give alms although with a small amount of a thing because indeed all that is intended for the sake of Allah; although those may be meagre & small yet becomes great,& magnanimous by virtue of the righteousness & purity of intention. 31 32- تَصَدَّق بِالشَّيء وَاِن قلَّ،فَاِنَّ کُلَّ شَيءِ يُرادُ بِهِ اللهُ، وَاِن قلَّ بَعدَ اَن تصدُقَ النِّبَيَّةُ فِيهِ عَظيمٌ... (وسائل الشيعة ج1 ص87) 33. The one who happens to meet a poor Muslim & salutes him against the way he salutes a wealthy person shall meet Allah on the resurrection day in a way that He will be angry with him. 32 33- مَن لِقيَ فَقِيراً مُسلِماً فَسَلَّمَ عَلَيهِ خِلافَ سَلامِهِ عَلی الغَنيِّ لَقِیَ اللهَ عَزَّوَجَلَّ يَومَ القِيامَةِ وَهُوَ عَلَيهِ غَضبانٌ . (وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص442) 34. Meet & see each other so that you get friendlier with each other. 33 34- تَزَاوَرُوا تَحَابُّوا.... (بحارالانوار ج78 ص347) 35. The one who repents upon the sins is like the one who does not have a sin. 34 35- اَلتَّائِبُ مِنَ الذَّنبِ کَمَن لا ذَنبَ لَهُ . (بحارالانوار ج6 ص21) 36. Cleanliness is from the morality & character of Prophets. 35 36- مِن أَخلاقِ الأَنبِياءِ التَّنَظُّفُ . (بحارالانوار ج780 ص335) 37. The best wealth is the one by which the honor of man is protected. 36 37- اَفضَلُ المالِ ما وُقيَ بِهِ العِرضُ . (بحارالانوارج78 ص352) 38. The weapon of the Prophets is essential for you. When asked 'What is the weapon of Prophets'. He said 'supplication!' 37 38- عَلَيکُم بِسِلاحِ الأَنبِياءِ«فَقِيلَ:وَماسِلاحُ الأَنبِياءِ؟» قالَ:الدُّعاءُ . (اصول الکافي ج2 ص468) 39. Be the mercy of Allah upon you, know it that Allah has forbidden all (forms of) gambling & ordained the servants to avoid it & named it dirt (contamination) (in His Book, Quran). And said, 'The dirt (filth) is the activity of satan so avoid it. Such as playing with chess & Back gammons & other forms of gambling. And backgammons is worse than chess. 38 39- وَاعلَم يَرحَمُکَ اللهُ تَبارَکَ وَتَعالی نَهی عَن جَميِعِ القِمارِ وَاَمَرَ العِبادَ بِالاِجتِنابِ مِنها وَسَمّاها رِجساً فَقالَ«رِجسٌ مِن عَمَلِ الشَّيطانِ فَاجتَنِبُوهُ» مِثلُ اللَّعبِ بِالشَّطرَنجِ وَالنَّردِ وَغَيرِهِما مِنَ القمارِ وَالنَّردُ اَشَرُّمِنَ الشَّطرَنجِ . (متدرک الوسائل ج2 ص436) 40. The superior most mind is the man's recognition of his self. 39 40- أَفضَلُ العَقلِ مَعرِفَةُ الإنسانِ نَفسَهُ . (بحارالانوار ج78 ص352) 1. Wasail ul-Shia, Vol. 18, P 557 2. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 338 3. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 338 4. Tuhaf al-Uqul P422 5. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 92, P 14 6. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 92, P 117 7. Usool al-Kafi , Vol. 1 , P 200 8. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 75, P 374 9. Wasail ul-Shia, Vol. 18, P 102 10. Usool al-Kafi. Vol. 2, P 241 11. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 336 12. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 352 13. Tuhful-Aqool, P 445 14. Aoyun Akhbar Ur Reza (as) Vol. 2, P 127 15. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 336 16. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 96, P 370 17. Ayan Akhbar Er Reza, Vol. 2, P 109, Alhayat Vol. I. P 233 18. Ayan Akhbar Er Reza Vol. 1, P 258) 19. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 347 20. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 346 21. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 335 22. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 355 23. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 335 24. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 345 25. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 82, P 261 26. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 375 27. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 66, P 491 28. Wasail ush-Shia, Vol. 17, P 22 29. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 356, Note: Six objects have been mentioned here instead of seven. 30. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 338 31. Wasail ush-Shia, Vol. 1. P 87 32. Wasail ush-Shia, Vol. 8, P 442 33. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 347 34. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 6, P 21 35. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 335 36. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 352 37. Usool al-Kafi, Vol. 1, P 468 38. Mustadral Al Wasail Vol. 2, P 436 39. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 352

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