A Brief History of Imam Ali ibn Al-Husayn's Life

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  Imam Sajjad ( Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-abidin and Sajjad ) was the son of the third Imam , and his wife , the queen among women , the daughter of Yazdigird the king of Iran . He was the only son of Imam Husayn to survive ,for his other three brothers Ali Akbar , aged twenty-five , five year old Ja'far and Ali Asghar ( or Abdullah ) who was a suckling baby , were martyred during the event of Karbala . The Imam had also accompanied his father on the journey


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Allah has made laws for all his creation. These laws can be divided into two types. First, there are those laws which no one can change. These are sometimes called the laws of nature. For example, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The character of water is to cool and that of fire is to burn. No one can bring the dead back from death; these are but a few examples of the laws of nature.

Then there are the laws of Allah which are in the hands of man

The Noble Virtues of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

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 All the noble virtues and gifts which Allah created to distinguish man were found in the character of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him. No one matched him in his inclinations and his psychological qualities such as sublime manners, high moral standards, and adherence to religion. When someone reads his noble behavior, he bows down in respect and admiration for him. The great Muslim figures from among his contemporaries belittled themselves because of the manifold of the Ima`m's

Ziyarah text of Imam al-Sajjad (a)

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Ziyarah text of Imam al-Sajjad (a)

In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّ‌حْمَـٰنِ الرَّ‌حِيمِ
Peace be on you, O leader of Those who prostrate! Peace be on you, O prestige of Worshipping ones! Peace be on you, O participant Of unhappiness and sadness! Peace be on you, O the Imam, Who got sores on spots which Touched during sajda! Peace be on you, O one who Wept and mourned! Peace be on you, one who

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.), The Secret Helper of the Poor

(Reading time: 1 minute)

اسارت امام سجاد

 The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Ali ibn al Hussain, Sajjad (A.S.) however, contradicts this view.
Despite his long unique prayers and supplications, Imam Sajjad (A.S.) was never ignorant of his society

The Illustrious Period of the Imamate of Imam Zayn al-'Abidin

(Reading time: 1 minute)
No Imam began his Imamat in a more tragic atmosphere. The first day of his Imamat saw him seriously ill and a captive of the army of Yazid in Karbala. His father and predecessor had sacrificed all he had on the altar of truth; and Imam Zayn al-'Abidin found himself with a group of helpless widows and orphans being led from place to place, from the durbar of Ibn Ziyad to the court of Yazid. Finally they were thrown into a prison, where the Imam spent the first year of his Imamat, cut off from

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.), The Secret Helper of the Poor

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Ali ibn al Hussain, Sajjad (A.S.) however, contradicts this view.
Despite his long unique prayers and supplications, Imam Sajjad (A.S.) was never

(Sermons and Sayings of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S

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Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him, took great care of preaching to the people. Many sermons were narrated on his authority. With them he preached to his companions and the people of his time. They are still alive, give lessons to people, warn them against arrogance and recklessness, and summon them to the path of truth and rightness. Besides some immortal wise sayings were reported on his authority. They summon man to balance his conduct and to set right his character. In this respect we

Imam sajjad (A.S.), The Secret Helper of the Poor

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Ali ibn al Hussain, Sajjad (A.S.) however, contradicts this view.
Despite his long unique prayers and supplications, Imam Sajjad (A.S.) was never

(The Time of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S

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the author) think that there was no Islamic period like that when Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, peace be on him, lived. This period was full of political, social, and economic disorders. In it all the members of the society led a life of worries and grieves. They lost hope in a noble life. This is because the Umayyads spread wrongdoing and persecution and forced the people to follow what they hated. We will briefly speak about the general aspects of the time when the Ima`m, peace be on him, lived

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