When was Imamate first discussed ?

(Reading time: 1 minute)


When was Imamate first discussed ?

We know that after the passing of the Prophet of Islam, Muslims were divided into two groups.

One group, called the Sunnis, believed that the Prophet of Islam had not selected a successor and that he had left it up to the people to assemble and choose a leader for them.

A second group believed that the Prophet’s successor should be as pious as the Prophet himself and should be competent to have the spiritual and material leadership of the

Quran, Imam Ali(a.s) and Shi'a

(Reading time: 1 minute)
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Merciful O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and the Last of your Prophets Muhammad ( saw ),and his pure and cleansed progeny. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 1 The Glorious Quran Chapter 2 Verse 207 And among men there is one who selleth his self ( soul ) seeking the pleasure of God; and verily, God is affectionate unto His (faithful) servants. It is held unanimious by the Scholars of the two

The Secret of Choosing the Imams

(Reading time: 1 minute)
QUESTION: What was the secret of appointing the Imams (peace be upon them) to the position of Imamah and wilayah? Is human intellect able to understand this? ANSWER: This question is not exclusive to the appointment of the Imams (peace be upon them), but can be brought up regarding the selection of all the prophets and even angels such as Jibra’il, the Trustee of revelation, and regarding the superiority of some prophets over others and some nations and individuals over others, and in the

Wilayat and Its Scope

(Reading time: 1 minute)

1. What is Wilayat?
" Wilayat," derived from wila', means power, authority or a right of certain kind. In Shi'a theology," wilayat" is the authority invested in the Prophet and the Ahlul Bayt as representatives of Almighty Allah on this earth.
According to the late Murtaza Mutahhari, wilayathas four dimensions:
The right of love and devotion) wila'-e muhabbat (: This right places the Muslims under the obligation of loving the Ahlul Bayt.
The authority in spiritual guidance) wila'-e imamat (: This

Islam is Completed by the Appointment of Successor

(Reading time: 1 minute)
From the viewpoint of Shi'ah scholars khilafat (caliphate) is a Divine office which is entrusted to the most distinguished, the most appropriate and the wisest pers on of the ummah (nation). The most clear line of demarcation between a Prophet and an Imam (Prophet's successor) is that the Prophet lays the foundation of a religion, receives revelation and possesses a Book. However, as regards the Imam, though he does not possess any of these positions, yet, besides possessing the position of a

The Question of the succession to Muhammad

(Reading time: 1 minute)

 The succession to Muhammad is clearly the key question in Shi'i Islam and the principal factor separating Shi' is from the Sunni majority. The question is not only who was the successor of Muhammad but also the nature of the role of this successor, for it is on both these points that Shi'is and Sunnis disagree.

On the death of Muhammad, all ad hoc assemblage of a number of the notables in Islam elected, by general consensus, Abu Bakr to be the Caliph or successor to Muhammad. This was

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy

(Reading time: 1 minute)
A question has puzzled some believers a great deal, namely why did al-Husayn fight with the sword, while his successors refrained from doing so, especially as all the Imams subscribed to a single and coherent ideology. For, if al-Husayn, in spite of the small number of his followers rose up against injustice, demanding his usurped rights, why did Imam al-Sadiq, for example, not rise up when the numbers of his partisans had increased. This question necessitates knowledge of the circumstances

The Meaning of Imam

(Reading time: 1 minute)

Imam or leader is the title given to a person who takes the lead in a community in a particular social movement or political ideology or scientific or religious form of thought. Naturally, because of his relation to the people he leads, he must conform his actions to their capabilities in both important and secondary matters.

As is clear from the preceding chapters, the sacred religion of Islam takes into consideration and gives directives concerning all aspects of the life of all men. It

Islamic Leadership

(Reading time: 1 minute)
Among the most important and eternal principles of Islam is the principle of leadership, which is also called guardianship (Wilayah). In Islam, the leadership of society is a divine responsibility that is not left to just anyone, and Allah makes known to the people those righteous and worthy persons that He has chosen to perform this important task. During the time of the Prophet (SA), the leader and guardian of the Islamic society was of course the Prophet (SA) himself, and

Shia and vilayat

(Reading time: 1 minute)

The turn now is for the discussion of kalaam (scholastic theology), as advocated by the Shia.  This science, which deals with rational judgement and logic in the field of the fundamentals of Islamic beliefs, has a unique and excellent place with the Shia.  Above all, kalaam, in the view of the Shia, has, on the one hand, a strong link with their reported tradition (ahaadith).  On the other hand, it meshes with their philosophy.  As we have already mentioned, kalaam, in the view of the Sunnis


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