The Holy Qur'an Arranged by Imam Ali (A.S.)

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 There is no dispute among Muslim scholars, whether they are Sunni or Shia, concerning the fact that the Commander of Believers, Ali (AS), possessed a special transcript of the text of Quran which he had collected himself, and he was THE FIRST who compiled Quran. There are a great number of traditions from Sunni and Shia which states that after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HF), Imam Ali sat down in his house and said that he had sworn an oath that he would not put on his outdoor

Amir Al-Mumineen Imam Ali (AS)

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 Amir Al-Mumineen Imam Ali (AS) was the son of Abu Tablib bin Abdul Mutalib and the cousin of the Holy Apostle of God, Mohammed bin Abdul Mutalib al-Hashimi. His father, Abu Talib, the chief of the Bani Hashim , was the uncle and the guardian of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the person who had brought the prophet to his house and raised him as his own son. After Muhammad was chosen for his prophetic mission, Abu Talib continued to support and protect him from the evil of the infidels among the

Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an

(Reading time: 1 minute)

Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an

By: Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Hujjati
Translated by: Sayyid 'Ali Shahbaz
Inna 'Aliyyan ma'a al-Qur'an wa al-Qur'an ma'a 'Ali, lan-Yatafarraqa hatta yarida 'alayya al-hawz (Indeed, 'Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with 'Ali, the two will never separate even when they return to me at the poll [of kawthar in paradise]) - Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).(1)
The above hadith found in several authoritative works of almost all denominations of

Who is Umm-ul-Baneen?

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 Umm-ul-Baneen is the glorious mother of al-’Abbas. Her name was Fatima, daughter of Hizam. Historians have referred to her name among names of eleven mothers each of whom were known for their glory, honor, and good reputation.1 Her father too was one of the most celebrated personalities of the Arabs, and was the chief of his people. Historians have also ment

Umm-ul-Baneen is the glorious mother of al-’Abbas. Her name was Fatima, daughter of Hizam. Historians have referred to her

Ziyarat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.)

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. 

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. 

Peace be on the Tree (inseparable tied up with ) of prophethood, tall and strong trunk (mainstay) of “Bani Hashim” (the family) pregnant and fertile with prophethood, refined and blossomed with Imamate; (on account of) you being the colleague of Adam and Nooh, peace be on them both, Peace be on you, and your pure and pious children. Peace be on you, and on

Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an

(Reading time: 1 minute)


  Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'anمولا
Translated by: Sayyid 'Ali Shahbaz
Inna 'Aliyyan ma'a al-Qur'an wa al-Qur'an ma'a 'Ali, lan-Yatafarraqa hatta yarida 'alayya al-hawz (Indeed, 'Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with 'Ali, the two will never separate even when they return to me at the poll [of kawthar in paradise]) - Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).(1)
The above hadith found in several authoritative works of almost all denominations of Islam, is not a stray or solitary

Fatimah bint Asad named him Haydar

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 Abū-Talib named him Zayd after his ancestor, Qasi ibn Kalab. Fatimah bint Asad named him Haydar after her father Asad. Asad and Haydar both the words mean a tiger. Therefore, in the battle of Khaybar, while reciting the martial poetry combating with Marhab, he said,

“I am that whose mother has named him Hayder!”

The Prophet (a.s), under divine inspiration called him with the name of `Ali (a.s). There is another opinion that Abū-Talib himself gave him the name of `Ali (a.s). As a proof, they

Sayedah Zaynab Al-Hauraa

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 Sayedah Zaynab Al-Hauraa (peace be upon her) …. She was the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, the daughter of Fatima az-Zahraa and Ali, the sister of the Youths of Paradise, Hassan and Hussein, and the beloved aunt of Imam Ali Zayn al Abideen (peace be upon them). A narration says that Zaynab’s characteristics represented each of her family member: in her seriousness and calmness she was Khadija; in her modesty and pureness her mother Fatimah; in her meaningfulness, her father

Ali (a.s) At Ohod

(Reading time: 1 minute)


 The Qureshites came out from the Battle of Badr with an astonishing result which tney did not expect. They were confident of their capability to annihilate the Muslims easily. For the Qureshites were more numerous and with a bigger reserve and more logistics. Yet they suddenly found themselves losing seventy of their warriors and leaders along with seventy captives in a one-day battle. And above all the resounding defeat which they received was at the hand of a group whom they used to

Charity Changes People

(Reading time: 1 minute)


Charity Changes People

Ibn Abbas has commented on the above-mentioned event, saying about the following holy verse: “Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of poor-rate; they fear a day in which the hearts and eyes shall turnabout; That Allah may give them the best reward of what they have done, and give them more out of His grace; and Allah gives sustenance to whom He pleases without measure” (24:37-38)


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